
Pick the Fruit Challenge.

An engaging teambuilding activity designed to boost workplace communication & individual accountability.

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  • > Type: Outdoor
  • > Group Size: 20-500+
  • > Duration: 45-60min

For Enquiry, call (+91) 93531-27321


About Pick the Fruit Challenge .

In this activity, your team will be clustered into smaller groups, each selecting a representative to navigate the challenging course commando-style, crawling from one end to the other along a rope. Along the way, they will gather as many fruits as possible and toss them out into designated circles. The twist lies in the rope being anchored to a tree bark on one end while held by team members on the other.

How does it help your team?

An engaging teambuilding activity designed to boost workplace communication and individual accountability. This dynamic exercise fosters teamwork, communication, and adaptability, enabling your team to enhance their skills in a fun and exciting manner. In Pick the Fruit Challenge you will witness the positive impact it can have on your team’s workplace performance.

Key Learning Outcomes

Core competencies emphasized in this activity.



Project Management

Project Management

Time Management

Time Management

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Improving Processes

Improving Processes



Strategy & Planning

Strategy & Planning

Team Dynamics

Team Dynamics

Can be Tailored for:

  • New Teams Coming Together New Teams Coming Together
  • Leadership Teams Leadership Teams
  • Midlevel Managers Midlevel Managers
  • Future Leaders Future Leaders
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